Invisalign | Family, Adult, Pediatric Dental & Oral Hygiene Services



The Invisalign process provides an effective, aesthetic alternative to the metal braces that you had nightmares about when you were a teenager! The ease of taking aligners off to brush and floss, makes hygiene care far easier than with traditional braces.

Invisalign aligners are suitable for use with children from the ages of seven years, right up into adulthood.

A commitment to using the aligners is necessary as these are taken out for eating and brushing, so you or your child must remember to replace the aligners after these tasks. They must be worn for a minimum of 22 hours per day, or treatment may not be successful.

Only dentists who have been trained by Align Technology can become certified to treat patients with Invisalign. You can rest assured that you will receive the treatment from a qualified dentist.

The Invisalign system mixes 100-year-old orthodontic science with 3D computer technology to ensure you receive aligners that are a perfect match for your teeth and the issues you want to correct. These issues can include overcrowding, overbites, underbites, and gaps between teeth.

Invisalign treatments typically involve visits to your dentist every 6-8 weeks. Aligners will be changed weekly to gradually straighten and realign your teeth.

The Invisalign aligners are clear trays that need to be removed when eating or brushing your teeth. The aligners must be placed in the special aligner case given to you by your dentist.

Wrapping it in a cloth or napkin is not advisable as it can be mistakenly disposed of when cleaning up after a meal. And pets love to use aligners as their chew toys!

Your aligners should be cleaned twice a day with a toothbrush.

Aligners need to be worn for the majority of the day and should only be removed for eating and brushing!

During your initial consultation your dentist will use a 3D scanner to get an image of your teeth. They utilize a specialized computer technology to create the aligner trays to precisely match to your teeth.

You won’t have to suffer through messy impressions. The scanning system is safe and easy.

Your next dental visit is when you’ll receive your new aligners, learn how to care for them, and get the answers to any questions you might have. Further visits to your dentist will be made according to your individual plan and needs. Several aligners will be given to you at your initial visit and your follow-up appointment will be scheduled.

You might experience some initial, very mild discomfort when you first use your new tray. But this will only last a day or two. You might also experience some difficulty taking your tray out of your mouth, but once you’ve practiced this task a few times, it will become second nature. This will all be reviewed at your initial visit and we will make sure you are comfortable taking your aligner in and out. By the time you move on to your second tray, managing any situation with your new smile becomes effortless.

During the Invisalign treatment process, you’ll need to maintain good oral hygiene, so cleaning and flossing your teeth is still necessary. You should still be visiting the dentist for cleanings every 6 months to maintain a healthy mouth.

Dental Innovations is proud to offer this revolutionary treatment to our patients.

We’ve seen the successful results many times and our patients are thrilled to easily overcome dental issues such as crossbites, underbites, overbites, crowded teeth and gaps between teeth.

“Viveras” are the name of the retainers worn after the completion of Invisalign treatment. Here are the instructions for wear after treatment is complete.

  • When Invisalign treatment is finished, it is recommended you continue to wear your Vivera retainers for 22 hours a day for 2 months.
  • After 2 months of 22 hour a day wear, wear retainers for 18 hours a day for 1 month.
  • 3 months after Invisalign treatment is complete, wear retainers for 12 hours a day – Then slowly taper down to night time wear only.
  • Continue night time wear FOREVER, or as long as you want your beautiful new smile.
  • These are generic rules to weaning off of 22 hour a day wear. If at any time retainers feel tight after leaving out, wear retainers more during the day as well as at night until tightness stops. This could be teeth trying to shift back to original position.
  • Clean retainers prior to each insertion with tooth brush and water. Can use Dawn dish soap to clean every couple of weeks as needed.
  • Keep away from dogs or cats as they like to chew on retainers. Try to keep in case provided when not wearing retainers.
  • If having any trouble with fit of retainers, refer back to wear instructions above. May need to wear longer than just at night for a while longer. Time span is different for everyone as we are all unique.
  • Call office if you lose or break your retainer and do not have any additional retainers. Too much time without retainers will allow your teeth to shift.
  • Do not leave in hot car or wash with hot water as this can distort your retainers and the fit will be compromised.
  • When ordering sets of Vivera retainers, they come in sets of 4. The first 4 sets are included with Invisalign treatment. Retainers needed thereafter are your financial responsibility. Each set of retainers can last 12-18 months depending on wear.
  • It is recommended to bring your Vivera retainers with you to your 6 month cleanings. We can clean retainers for you and check the fit to help you decide if it is time to switch to your next set or continue wear in your current retainer.

If you have any questions about Invisalign or are wanting to schedule a consultation please call our office at 1-402-564-7575.

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